Art Movement in Poggetello

Art Movement in Poggetello

The Movimento Art in Poggetello represents an artistic movement that, born from the bottom and free from market policies, aims to transform the small village into an attractive pole for artists, art lovers and for those who stay there for various reasons , giving a new shape and image to its places. The self-feeding movement through a dialogic relationship allows: • For artists to take advantage of a refuge where they can reconnect, express themselves, converse and work. • Artistic interventions to give shape and image to places, becoming part of that change that allows them to be transformed into places of art. • To the community to increase physical, social and cultural integration.


The association provides artists with a place to stay and work free of charge. In return we ask that the artist leave a mark in the Borgo or in the associative structures.

Are you an artist do you want to participate in our projects?


Mutual respect ... a requirement. Good will ... is never enough. Pets ... are welcome. Parties ... are only allowed in the garden. Membership ... a necessary evil.